Dijkstra's algorithm

A simple implementation of single-source shortest path using Dijkstra's algorithm

Dijkstra's algorithm
package main

import (

type Node struct {
	index    int
	pi       *Node
	distance int

func (n *Node) Value() int {
	return n.distance

func (n *Node) Index() int {
	return n.index

type Link struct {
	dst    int
	weight int

type WeightedDirectedGraph struct {
	nodes []Node
	links map[int][]Link

func (wdg *WeightedDirectedGraph) AddLink(link []int) {
	wdg.links[link[0]] = append(wdg.links[link[0]], Link{dst: link[1], weight: link[2]})

func (wdg *WeightedDirectedGraph) AddBatchLink(links [][]int) {
	for _, link := range links {

func (wdg *WeightedDirectedGraph) Dijkstra(src int) {

	wdg.nodes[src].distance = 0

	var nds []Element
	for i := 0; i < len(wdg.nodes); i++ {
		nds = append(nds, &wdg.nodes[i])

	queue := NewHeap(nds)

	for queue.Size() > 0 {
		current := queue.ExtractMin()

		for _, link := range wdg.links[current.Index()] {
			if wdg.nodes[link.dst].distance > wdg.nodes[current.Index()].distance+link.weight {
				wdg.nodes[link.dst].distance = wdg.nodes[current.Index()].distance + link.weight
				wdg.nodes[link.dst].pi = &wdg.nodes[current.Index()]

	for _, nd := range wdg.nodes {
		var s strings.Builder
		s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("The path from %d is: ", nd.index))

		current := &nd
		for {
			if current.pi == nil {
			s.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%d ", current.pi.index))
			current = current.pi



func NewGraph(size int) *WeightedDirectedGraph {
	var nodes []Node
	for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
		nodes = append(nodes, Node{index: i, distance: math.MaxInt, pi: nil})

	return &WeightedDirectedGraph{
		nodes: nodes,
		links: make(map[int][]Link),

type Element interface {
	Value() int
	Index() int

type Heap struct {
	arr []Element

func NewHeap(arr []Element) *Heap {
	heap := Heap{arr: arr}

	return &heap

func (h *Heap) Left(i int) int {
	return 2*i + 1

func (h *Heap) Right(i int) int {
	return 2*i + 2

func (h *Heap) Size() int {
	return len(h.arr)

func (h *Heap) BuildMinHeap() {
	for i := h.Size() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {

func (h *Heap) ExtractMin() Element {
	if h.Size() == 0 {
		return nil

	min := h.arr[0]
	last := h.arr[h.Size()-1]

	h.arr = h.arr[:h.Size()-1]

	if min == last {
		return min

	h.arr[0] = last

	return min

func (h *Heap) MinHeapify(indx int) {
	smallest := h.arr[indx].Value()
	smallestIndx := indx

	leftIndx := h.Left(indx)
	rightIndx := h.Right(indx)

	if leftIndx < h.Size() && h.arr[leftIndx].Value() < smallest {
		smallest = h.arr[leftIndx].Value()
		smallestIndx = leftIndx

	if rightIndx < h.Size() && h.arr[rightIndx].Value() < smallest {
		smallestIndx = rightIndx

	if smallestIndx != indx {
		h.arr[indx], h.arr[smallestIndx] = h.arr[smallestIndx], h.arr[indx]


func main() {

	// first line contains the number of nodes N
	// the M subsequent lines with the x y w format each describe a link from node x to y with weight w
	input := `5
0 1 10
1 3 1
0 2 5
1 2 2
2 1 3
2 4 2
4 0 7
3 4 4
4 3 6
2 3 9`

	sr := strings.NewReader(input)

	reader := bufio.NewReaderSize(sr, 1024)

	sizeTmp, err := ReadLine(reader)

	size, err := strconv.Atoi(sizeTmp)

	var links [][]int
	for {
		linkTmpStr, err := ReadLine(reader)
		if err != nil {
			if err == io.EOF {
		linkTmp := strings.Split(linkTmpStr, " ")

		var link []int
		for _, itemStr := range linkTmp {
			item, err := strconv.Atoi(itemStr)

			link = append(link, item)
		links = append(links, link)

	grph := NewGraph(size)

func ReadLine(r *bufio.Reader) (string, error) {
	line, _, err := r.ReadLine()

	return string(line), err

func CheckErr(e error) {
	if e != nil {